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    The Lasting Treasure

    Fr John McKenna
    September 23, 2022

    The Lasting Treasure

    “There was a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fine linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, full of sores, who desired to be fed with what fell from the rich man's table; moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores. The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom. The rich man also died and was buried”.

    This weekend as a Parish community, our Lord Jesus Christ asks us a question: ‘ What most absorbs your time, your attention, and your heart?’ In the parable of the rich man who refused to help the beggar named Lazarus, Jesus paints a dramatic scene of contrasts - riches and poverty, heaven and hell, compassion and indifference, inclusion, and exclusion. 

    The name Lazarus simply means God is my help. Despite a life of misfortune and suffering, Lazarus did not lose hope in God. His eyes were set on a treasure stored up for him in heaven. The rich man, however, could not see beyond his material wealth and possessions. He not only had everything he needed, he selfishly spent all he had on himself. He was too absorbed in what he possessed to notice the needs of those around him. He lost sight of God and the treasure of heaven because he was preoccupied with seeking happiness in material things. He served wealth rather than God. In the end the rich man became a beggar. 

    Today’s Gospel addresses a great question: Do you know the joy and freedom of possessing God as your true and lasting treasure? Scripture reminds us that those who put their hope and security in the kingdom of heaven will not be disappointed (see Hebrews 6:19).

    Quote from the Early Church Fathers: Creator of both rich and poor, by Augustine of Hippo, 3540-430 A.D. "God made both the rich and the poor. So the rich and the poor are born alike. You meet one another as you walk on the way together. Do not oppress or defraud anyone. One may be needy and another may have plenty. But the Lord is the maker of them both. Through the person who has, He helps the one who needs - and through the person who does not have, He tests the one who has."

    (excerpt from Sermon 35, 7) Meditations may be freely reprinted for non-commercial use - please cite: copyright © 2022 Servants of the Word, source: dailyscripture.net, author Don Schwager 

    Fr John

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