Christian meditation is simple. You learn to meditate by meditating. It does not demand that you master any difficult theory or special techniques. Christian Meditation is an ancient form of prayer that anyone can learn.
We sit together around the statue of Mary. We are encouraged to sit comfortably and alert, with our back straight. We close our eyes lightly. Then silently, interiorly, simply begin to say a single word, our mantra. An ideal Christian prayer word or mantra is "maranatha". It is an Aramaic word which means “Come Lord” or “The Lord comes”. It is one of the oldest prayers in the Christian tradition. Say it as four syllables (ma-ra-na-tha). Listen to the word as you say it without haste or desire. Saying the mantra allows one to become deeply and wonderfully non-possessive as Jesus taught when he said that his followers must let go of all their possessions: “Happy are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God.” Repeat the mantra continuously, gently and faithfully from the beginning to the end of the meditation period. (approx. 40 minutes)
We are encouraged to let go of all thoughts and imagination, including religious thoughts. Meditation is not about thinking but about being. Distractions will come but do not be discouraged. Simply, humbly return to your word.
At the end of your meditation, you may be tempted to evaluate how well it went - don't! Even after years of practice, established meditators will tell you that they too still suffer distractions. This is perfectly normal.
Parish Priest
Fr Godfrey Msumange
Mary Immaculate & St Gregory the Great
82 Union Street
Registered Charity: 233699
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