The Life Ascending is a movement of elderly and middle-aged men and women whose children are now grown up and/or who, more or less, have come to the end of their professional careers or their salary or wage earning activities.
Members meet at regular intervals, in this parish, on the first and third Tuesday of the Month after the 10am Mass and Rosary, in the JP II room next to the presbytery. Meetings begin with refreshments, followed by a short prayer and the study of a gospel passage or other Church document.
Members exchange views on what they have studied and then try and see how their study, discussion and personal experience can help them to put into practice their individual and collective Christian mission.
The movement exists in five continents, in some 40 countries where it carries different names, e.g. Vie Montante, Vida Ascendente, Life Ascending, Ascending Life.
Parish Priest
Fr Godfrey Msumange
Mary Immaculate & St Gregory the Great
82 Union Street
Registered Charity: 233699
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