If you are reading this, you are likely about to have a baby or have just brought a new child into the world.
We are here to help you and your child enjoy being part of a wonderful network of families, including many other new parents. We are here to support you and your child in any way that we can, all centred in the love of Jesus Christ.
Your child is welcome to be Baptised here if at least one parent (or adoptive parent) is a Catholic. Of course, you should also live in the parish or have a link to our church (perhaps if you were brought up here). And that’s it.
They are the only criteria. So if there is any circumstance that worries you, or where you think we might not baptise your child, please do not be anxious. Simply get in touch, have a chat with Fr John, and we will be there for you.
Westminster Diocese requires that parents attend a course of instruction covering the nature of Baptism and the promises that they and the Godparents will be making.
We help you prepare for the Baptism by bringing you together with a catechist for a couple of evenings. The people who run the evenings are parents themselves, and they will answer any questions you have. After the preparation evenings, we’ll fix a date with you, probably on a Saturday, for the Baptism ceremony. It will be a date that suits you, and your family.
You’ll make a promise at Baptism to bring your child up in the Catholic faith. That is a serious promise, and we will do all we can to provide every possible help for you to do that.
At one of the Sunday Masses, there is a children’s liturgy, for those aged about 4-8. That leads to First Holy Communion. St Catherine’s school will help your child grow in faith, as will you, especially by bringing them to Mass. We hope our church is a very welcoming place for children.
For the Baptism, you’ll also need Godparents – at least one, and they need to be baptised, confirmed and practising Catholic, over the age of 18.
This will all be discussed at the preparation evening, where hopefully, any questions you have will be answered.
Once again, congratulations. Please call or email the parish office, and we look forward to welcoming your child into the community with the wonderful grace of Baptism.
Parish Administrator
Parish Priest
Fr Godfrey Msumange
Mary Immaculate & St Gregory the Great
82 Union Street
Registered Charity: 233699
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